Specification Manuals

We understand how critical the specifications are to your building projects, which is why we maintain strict quality control measures. Each specification manual is reviewed against the index multiple times in the printing process to ensure that we are producing your spec books in their entirety exactly as you intended.

Your deadlines are tight, last minute changes are necessary, pages may need to be switched out. This is all a typical part of our reprographic workload - we are here to serve as your partner and are ready to accommodate your project schedule.
We specialize in managing the details:
    Sharp printing quality
    Fast output to meet your deadlines
    Multiple binding options
    Exceptional quality control
    Delivered on schedule

No Digital Files? If you need us to print from hard copies or have a scanning and archiving job, call us at (206) 382-1177 to schedule a pickup.

Project Communication
Our customer service team members are experts in coordinating reprographic projects. They understand the complexities of your files, the importance of your delivery schedules, the variances of file changes, and the on-going addition of addenda. Our team maintains a tight chain of communication with your project members and our internal departments making sure that the final printed pieces include all of your project data.

Ready to Order?

Visit our reprographics job submission site at www.urorders.com.

You will be required to create a user account to log onto this site.

If you have a net 30 terms account with us, we will process your order and bill your account.

If you are a new customer or a COD customer, your job will be reviewed by our production department and then submitted to our billing department for estimating. You will receive a quote via e-mail and must submit payment in full prior to your job being printed.

More Reprographic Services
Plans & Drawings
Bid Distribution
Scanning & Archiving

You're probably paying too much for your reprographic printing services. Contact us today and save up to 45% on your project printing budget.